The increased popularity of electric vehicles is just becoming apparent in Suffolk. Have you noticed the green markings on number plates that indicate the electric cars? We are a little behind other parts of the country, mainly because of the additional distances that we cover – and the concern about the availability of charging points.
This image shows the charging points in our area – we used Zap Map to get this information.
If we compare London at the same scale it looks like this:
The difference is astounding but gives an indication of how the popularity of electric vehicles is growing at an incredible rate.
If you have a business you could encourage visitors by offering an electric vehicle charging point. The availability of EV charging points for people visiting the area is becoming increasingly important. Owners of hotels, B&B's, self catering accommodation and attractions are receiving more enquiries about facilities to charge their vehicles.
The National Trust have created a web page specifically to deal with these enquiries.
Already more that 1 in 5 new cars sold are electric vehicles and this will ramp up dramatically as the ban of new diesel cars approaches.
If you would like to enquire about an EV charging point for your business please get in touch.