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Is your electrical system safe?

In your home electricians are normally only called upon to install new items or sort something out when they go wrong. This is very different to electricians in the workplace. In commercial workspaces the systems and electrical items have to be checked regularly to ensure they are safe, this is a legal requirement. In most cases insurance policies become invalid if they aren’t!

We will often visit a home that has been operating happily for 40 years and no one has looked at the system for the entire time. An assumption is made that if everything is working then it’s safe – here is a guide to some things you should look out for:

Buzzing or clicking – if you have an electrical item that has developed a buzz or unusual clicking noise then you shouldn’t ignore it. This is a good indicator that something is wrong and needs to be addressed urgently.

Ever flicked a switch and got a shock? This shouldn’t be ignored, not only is it unpleasant but can be dangerous.

Do you have fuse switches or breakers that trip regularly? The circuit may have too much demand on it or there could be a short.

Is there a burning smell, an acrid, sharp smell – switch off the appliance and give us a call.

Flickering lights could be a light bulb that’s going to blow or an indication the something else is amiss.

For peace of mind if you would like your electrical system tested then please get in touch.

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