Maintenance and the general upkeep of a building's electrical system helps ensure that your business can operate at its optimum level, minimising down time.
With a maintenance programme our team will inspect the premises regularly, conduct routine maintenance, perform repairs, and fix faulty wiring when necessary.
Our skilled, trained and fully qualified team will:
Review blueprints to understand wiring placement.
Regularly inspect electrical systems such as wiring, fixtures, and appliances.
Identify faults or hazards.
Troubleshoot any system failures.
Test electrical systems with oscilloscopes, voltmeters, and ohmmeters.
Conduct maintenance repairs on old or faulty fixtures.
Responding to fault requests.
Provide suggestions for equipment replacement.
If required prepare electrical maintenance reports.
Install new electrical appliances in the building.
Alaways adhering to the latest safety and performance standards, protecting your assets.